Monday, October 3, 2011

Another first day of the rest of my life....

We can fail enough times that we start to define ourselves by failure, instead the fact that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by God Himself (Psalm 139), who breathed the breath of life into us.

According to God, I am not defined by the body I inhabit, and it is His commandment that I first love Him with all my heart, soul and mind, and then to love myself, loving my neighbor the same way. 

This prayer was sent to me by my dear friend Betty

Gracious heavenly Father, you have said in your word that if anyone lacks wisdom, all they need to do is ask and you will give them wisdom liberally and without reproach (James 1:5). I come to you in the name of Jesus asking for wisdom to take care of myself so that I may glorify you in my body and my spirit (1 Corinthians 6:20). Give me the desire to choose foods that bring energy and vitality to my body and clarity to my mind. Give me enthusiasm to exercise so that I may strengthen my body and have the energy to do the things I need to do. Most of all, Lord, give me wisdom to put you first in my life because You have said that if I seek first your kingdom and all its righteousness, my needs will be taken care of. Thank you, Father, for giving me the gift of abundant wisdom today. Amen.

This prayer was written by Kimberly Taylor, author of the 'Take Back Your Temple' ebook.  The prayer was in response to a man who wanted a powerful prayer for him to supernaturally lose weight.   She pointed out that faith without works is dead, and that we should use the wisdom we already have to start working toward our weight loss goal.


  1. (thanks for the shout out, Meg, that was so sweet of you)

    Amen to the prayer and amen to you being fearfully and wondefully made and God doesn't see failure, he sees you and loves you so much!

    Check out what I posted yesterday on my Fear of the Lord blog:

    (((((hugs to you))))


  2. You, Betty, and the prayer - Awesome and I need to hear that today. sandie

  3. Thanks just what I needed to go outside and walk.

  4. Amen and Amen!

    Isn't it funny that we judge ourselves by the number of times we fall rather than judging ourselves by the number of times we succeed in getting up and hitting it again?

    I think we should flip that around. I'm pretty sure God just loves the getting up part. :)



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