I’d like to report how well I’ve been doing with my diet,
but I’m not inclined to lie.
With me, it’s always something…. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, my birthday…whatever….and any excuse will do!
After too many “gastronomical delights” in Nashville this past weekend, I am, I’m sure, back where I started the year. It’s not like this is an unfamiliar place, so I will start. Again. Getting started is just as hard as keeping it going, I believe. There’s just got to be a better way.
The Yo-Yo Rollercoaster.
Welcome to my Amusement Park….
Only I’m not really all that amused.
Confused is more like it. Why is it that some folks are normal, and then there are folks like me? I guess the “normal” ones have their own issues, yes? We all do. Mine happens to be an obsession with food, and it does tend to show more than an issue with…say…spending money or hoarding, or stalking an ex-lover. Not that I’m saying any of you, dear gentle readers, have any of the above problems…if you do, start a blog about it…I do like train wrecks, since I am one myself.
you are not a train wreck! And obsessions with spending money and hoarding do show, (albeit behind closed blinds, but still their obsessions do catch up with them).
ReplyDeletewe are all flawed and will continue to be this side of eternity. when we fail, we need to pick ourselves up, dust off the dirt, and get back on track (lecturing myself with this too LOL)
Dearest Margaret,
ReplyDeleteread the above post with much interest and a desire to offer sage advice. Or encouragement that would produce long-lasting euphoria. Yes, euphoria. I do not aim low.
The problem is, of course, that you have just described my own current state of affairs. Except that you left out anticapatory excuse eating.
You know, it goes something like this: "My granddaughter is having her birthday party here Thursday and there will be birthday cake. I love birthday cake and will have a hard time resisting. Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
Maybe I could have just a slim piece. But it's got gluten and too many calories. I couldn't possibly eat any. Not a problem. I'll manage.
BUT maybe she will have her feeling hurt if I don't eat her cake. (She will be four.) Maybe she'll think something is wrong with it if I don't eat her cake. Oh, dear. I could ruin her birthday if I don't eat her cake.
I shall eat ice cream now and think about how to resist the upcoming birthday cake dilemma."
I will watch your comments intently to see if wisdom is forthcoming. I could use some. And a straight-jacket.