Thursday, January 20, 2011

Self Control

I’m having feelings of motivation…
a very unfamiliar emotion for me!

I’ve been talking about Choices and Changes,
but there’s one little detail I’ve largely ignored.

Self Control

I didn’t know that Self Control was a fruit of the spirit!
Galatians 5:22-23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, SELF-CONTROL. (emphasis mine)

Self control must be developed, and it is developed by putting it into play in my life.   The less I give in to temptation, the stronger I become.  I can’t pray myself into it.   It’s SELF control.  I have to do it.   Me.  And I can, because I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. 

Self control is developed when I am faced with temptations and practice restraint by not giving in to my whims to eat everything in sight!   And when I use it, I get stronger…and stronger, until my diet (my normal daily intake, not a diet per se) is no longer out of control.   At that point, my appetite is obedient to what I am dictating to it, not what it is dictating to me!   

I am not saying that self control means I can never have cookies or cake, or cheeseburgers or pizza again.  It means I have control over how much and how often I eat those things.  When I give into the temptation to overeat, my resolve to lose weight crumples, and before I know it, I am eating and eating...and eating.   

Now to see if I can practice what I preach!
It's not only not easy, it's HARD to do.
But I own my appetite, it doesn't own me.
It's time to stand up for myself!

I learned a lot from Joyce Meyer today,
even though she didn’t mention losing weight at all!


  1. Hmmmm. You know, as I read your description of how one gains self-control, it remined me of the saying that one should be cautious about praying for patience because God will answer that prayer by giving you things that require patiece so you can practice. (My personal joke is that I prayed for patience once and had two babies in one year.)

    Considering all of the food temptation I've been facing, I wonder if at some weak moment, I prayed for self-control? Probably. sighhhhh.

    Seriously tho, I'm going to reread this post. Lots of good points. I need me some points.


  2. Beth Moore did an excellent Bible study on the fruit of the spirit; if you ever have a chance to take it, DO! I remember when she was doing self control, she referenced the part in Acts where King Festus (I think that was his name) was talking with Paul about Jesus. Paul was jailed at that time but Festus and his wife would come to hear what he had to say, though it never says they accepted Jesus as their Savior. Anyway, Festus says something to the effect of "That's enough for now" when he had heard all he wanted at that particular moment about Jesus. But Beth (and I took this four years ago so I don't remember it real well) but she said that's how we need to practice self control. That is enough for now. Whatever we are trying to control. Eating, that's enough for now. So it does indeed take self control and it can be developed like you said.

    I suggest you pray for all the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.

    joy-your name is written in the Book of Life
    peace-that transcends understanding
    patience-waiting for God's perfect timing
    kindness-mercy, compassion
    faithfulness-seeking Jesus, developing relationship with him
    gentleness-a gentle loving person
    self control-control over that you want to control

    you are doing great thinking these things through like this!!



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