Sunday, January 9, 2011

Today was weigh day…I lost 5.2 pounds!   Don’t get too excited…it was a do over.   It was weight I lost before Christmas and found during my two week Christmas vacation!   Ah, but I am on the road again!

I do have a hard time following all the WW rules.   There are people who strive follow every little aspect of the plan…they aren’t really doing any better than I am at this point.  I don’t count points every day…but I do try to keep mindful of what I’m doing because I don’t want to be wasting time and energy and money and continue to eat like a piglet.  Going to weigh is my accountability, weighing on Sunday helps me behave a little better on the weekends, though I have to say I hate dishing out $40/month for accountability.    Having said all this, I probably won’t stick to WW for the duration.   I’d like to add here that it’s not about the numbers, but at this point, for me to say that, it would be sheer hypocrisy.  I want to lose poundage. 

Watching the other ladies weigh today, I remember a time when I was just like most of them…wanting to shed every possible item I could and still remain decent before I got on the scales.   Today, I weighed in my hiking boots and sweat jacket.   I never take my shoes off (well, I do at home, but not at WW) for varied reasons, one of which is that I don’t like the idea of stepping on a scale in my bare feet that other sweaty feet have been stepping on for years.

It’s really not pretty watching a very obese lady stumble around trying to get her zip up boots on and off, or strip off to her tank top and spandex pants.    For sure it isn’t pleasant watching very overweight man strip down to his skivvies.   Nah, they weren’t really skivvies, but they were some sort of under garment.  

I know I’m floundering around here…I have no commitment, no consistency, and for all my talk in my previous entry, I make bad choices and basically am adverse to change.   But I do have the want-to.   The desire to change is there…I really want that renewed mind.

But I’m a work in progress.   I do intend to win.   I have God on my side.


  1. If you really want to save the $40 a month. Try At first it is intimidating but once you learn it , you wonder why you spent $40 a month. You use your own scale and measurements and just log in every week to their website. It will also show you your progress in graphics too.

  2. Congratulations on the weight loss--and don't you DARE discount it!

    I'm having some do-over sheds, myself. But you know what? It was HARD to lose those pounds again after all of the sweet and gluten garbage I ate. HARD! Despite all of my fierce game face talk. H-A-R-D!

    You might want to check out my post from yesterday. The title ends with "7 Settle It"

    I'm still conotemplating it because I don't quite have the how-to worked out. You may like to join me in the contemplation. :} Who knows, maybe between the two of us God will provide the wisdom.

    We're going to do this thing!


  3. I think we are all works in progress and your last sentence sums it up so well! If God is for us, who can be against us? leaving a link to a song that says this very thing (if God is for us, who be can against us!)

    good job for hanging in there and going back and trying to stay accountable for what you are eating!



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