Saturday, October 22, 2011

His Majestic Throne

There is only one true God;
Majesty cloaks His throne.

The blood of Jesus flows from that majestic throne
to break the chains and loosen the bonds of His children.   
One day, we will all stand before that throne, 
but through our obedience, before that day, 
we can lay our chains at the feet of our savior.  
Great freedoms await us if we diligently seek His face, 
for only in His name shall the chains of bondage drop.

Opryland Hotel, Nashville, TN


  1. so very true....and it's got to be heart knowledge not just head knowledge. :)

  2. Its good to see you posting every day your pearls! I love the way you write and describe; and true freedom does come indeed from Jesus and the blood he shed for us!


  3. Oh what a loving merciful Savior we have to be able to cast those chains away because He set us free. Beautiful blog my friend. God bless, Bobbi


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