Thursday, November 10, 2011

When I'm Listening...

When I’m Listening

When I stand in reverent wonder,
Atop mountains on an autumn day,
Though it’s not a voice like rolling thunder
Still I hear what my Redeemer has to say.

I close my eyes to better hear it,
This gentle rustling of the autumn leaves
A warm, sweet whisper joining my spirit,
A sound like the wind blowing through the trees.

Embraced in hues of gold and red
Surrounded by His grace
My heart listens carefully to what is said,
As the gentle breeze caresses my face.

Vibrant leaves catch the wind
Floating about in majestic glory
His voice tenderly blankets me like a flawless friend,
Whose love is an unending story.

His whisper tells of how He planned for me
Before words of creation were spoken
Even when time was still yet to be,
His plans would not be broken.

His promise is full of hope and love
And shines like the dew drops glistening
His voice spans the air as the wings of a dove
And speaks to me when I’m listening.


Every so often, I come across something that starts poetry swirling in my head.   A few days ago, I came across an entry on Sandy’s blog that caused such a reaction.   I tried to make a comment, but everything sounded so poetic, I decided I’d just write the poem.   Her question was, “How does God speak to you?”   And He does speak.   She also posted a video, which I have shared below.   If you enjoy reading blogs, Sandy’s is worth a visit.

The photography is from the Great Smoky Mountains (2006).

This video is amazing.    
Be sure to watch it all the way through.

Friday, November 4, 2011

From the Bloggy Silence Comes a New Post!

I interrupt this "moment of blog silence" to post a non-inspirational blog all about me!    I went on vacation, and if you haven't checked out my pictures yet (and would like to) pop over to My Musings and see a sampling of the color we had in Gatlinburg, TN and Bryson City, NC. 

You may or may not have noticed the ticker on the left of my screen.   It's my weight loss record.   Sixteen pounds for the month of October, days which included my vacation, and my vacation included lots of eating and a chocolate fountain.   That's right...that's what I said C.H.O.C.O.L.A.T.E fountain!   I dipped a sundry of sweets into the fountain and have lusted over it ever since.   I also rediscovered breakfast pizza.

I started October 3 using Sparkpeople, which is  a great tool, but freedom does not include counting every calorie that goes into my mouth, nor dwelling on what to eat, what not to eat, when to eat....etc.!  for the last few weeks, I have walked in freedom.   I am deeply thankful to my Lord Jesus.